Wednesday, January 25, 2006


Thank god it's a Conservative MINORITY and not majority. Ol Stevie will have a tough time peddling his backward, outdated (harmful, unconstitutional, extremist) social views in the new house.

NDP UP TO 29 SEATS !!!! (from 18 in the last election) with 17.49 % of the votes, and YAY for Olivia for winning her riding of Trinity/Spadina in Toronto. those two are such a cute couple. I remember seeing them at anti poverty marches in my earlier days. I'm so pleased they'll be working in parliament.

I'm hoping the crazy "Focus on the Family" and "Promise Keeper" elected will fuck up and scare everyone with their wacked out views and cause people to never vote Conservative again. Why do the christians vote for the party ideologically so far away from any christian value of importance. They all expect them to repeal the ruling on same sex marriage (which they can't) - wanting so badly to protect a "value" they believed to be of utmost importance - while other issues (talked about WAY MORE in the bible...feed the sick, care for the poor, take care of the earth) food and shelter for those in need, making sure everyone has access to good healthcare regardless of income, care for the aging population, affordable education, and a little issue called GLOBAL WARMING - but no, lets vote for a party "putting money in the hands of Canadians" (at the expense of all the important programs that make this country great), a party with roots deep in organization that want to protect words, labels and fundamentalist views that a very small group of people in this country hold. A little hypocritical me thinks.

check this out -

Enough of that rant. Here's some powerhouse cuteness for you all.

Monday, January 23, 2006


By law employers need to give you 3 hours to vote. Polls close at 9:30 pm. check out Elections Canada online for you local voting station, or call 1 800 463 6868.

Thursday, January 19, 2006


A totally relaxing do what I feel like day complete with a breakfast dates, stop by visits, lots of coffee and phone calls, afternoon hours in bed (roy took the day off), and plans for dinner at a surprise location ("a place we've wanted to try for a while") - turns out my closest friends where waiting for me at my house with lots of wine, cheese, gourmet dinner, dessert and presents - my very first surprise party ! A perfect scenario - a small group, no planning (or knowledge of plans on my part), no organizing and no expectations. Thank you my friends.

Thanks for the emails, calls and visits (Mom, Dad, Jason, Anita, Liz (as if I forgot YOUR birthday), Joseph, Caners, Mikie, Hiister, Robyn, Dominique, Emma, Eric (there in spirit - GET BETTER SOON!), Fussell, Matt, Deebs and the Roy.

YAY 29 !!

And the GIFTS !! beautiful drawn and designed poster, bookmarks and a card from Roy - that'll look great in a light box (oh yeah, and a CORNER ROUNDER!), necessities and card from Danny (all wrapped with notes and fun), a beautiful portrait of Emma and I, and a ticket to BELLE AND SEABASTIAN (!!!!!) (New Pornographers opening ! - two for one man) - whatever - only one of my absolutely favorite bands ever.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Chile elects its first female President !

This is so great. I was so happy to read this news this morning. wow wow wow - a woman and a socialist/activist/single mother and not from a political rich family. I gotta put it on the blog. I love good news.

SANTIAGO — Chileans exploded in joy on the streets of Santiago yesterday, celebrating a milestone for all of South America: the continent's first legitimately elected female president. Michelle Bachelet, a socialist and pediatrician imprisoned under General Augusto Pinochet's dictatorship, won 53.5 per cent of the vote, to 46.5 per cent for her rival, Sebastian Pinera, a conservative multimillionaire businessman....At last night's giant street party, supporters tooted horns, waved flags, blew whistles and chanted feminist slogans, joined by Chilean intelligentsia and local rock stars and artists, there to endorse the new darling of the left....While her victory consolidates a shift to the left in Latin America -- leftists have been elected in Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Uruguay and Venezuela -- she is considered a free-market socialist who will follow the same line as Mr. Lagos.

I just realized that you can't click on these links - so if you want to key in Michelle Bachelet, chile, BBC and theglobeandmail in google you'll get the goods.

so good.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Photo Reward for Reading the Last Post

Here's some new images I've been playing with, not in this order - but I thought I'd give you all something to look at after reading the last long post, and because Michael wants more pictures. If you didn't read the last long VERY IMPORTANT POLITICAL POST - read it now.

Important Election Bits

I read about this group in the Globe and Mail this morning, and found the following article online - I'm encourage that such a group (by such great people and organizations) has been formed in light of the recent polls suggesting that a Conservative government may be a possibility. Let's not make that happen. VOTE VOTE VOTE on January 23rd.

here it is.

Think Twice on January 23

Representatives from the child care, Aboriginal, women's rights, health
care, equality rights, environmental, arts, trade union, and advocacy groups
have a message for all Canadians.

What would Conservative policies mean for Canadians?

- They mean privatization and deregulation, and more cuts to social

- They mean the end of the national child care programme, and the
rollback of the $5 billion deal between ten provinces and the federal
government. This is the beginning of the first new national social
programme since Medicare, but Harper says he will cancel it in
exchange for a dollar a day sent to Canadians, burdened with securing
and financing their own childcare.

- They mean abandonment of the agreement just achieved with First
Nations at the Aboriginal Summit, and reneging on promised spending
to alleviate a housing and health care crisis for some of Canada's
most vulnerable citizens, women and children.

- They mean more greenhouse gas emissions, the end of the domestic Kyoto
plan to reduce emissions by 2012, and moving Canada from a strong
supporter of further emission cuts to supporting George Bush's camp.

- They mean a health care system based on commercialization, not patient
needs; based on competition between health care providers, not
collaborative practice; a health care system that would allocate
public health care dollars to for-profit business, rather than
improving primary health care for our families; and a continuing
absence of national standards for home care and inadequate long-term
care for our seniors.

- They mean the loss of at least $1 billion for affordable housing,
and the potential loss of a Canadian housing framework.

- They mean no commitment to the income measures and services needed
to reduce poverty.

- They mean abandoning efforts to protect workers' wages, pensions and
benefits in cases of corporate bankruptcy.

- They mean massive tuition fee increases for university and college

- They mean greater trade and foreign policy integration with the U.S.,
particularly joint military ventures (including participation in
foreign conflicts and space-based military systems).

- They mean new risks to Canadian women's right to reproductive choice
and access to abortion.

- They mean abandoning plans for new pay equity legislation.

- They mean abandoning plans for a new national strategy for people
with disabilities.

- They mean less government support for the arts and for public

- They mean re-opening the debate over equal marriage rights for same
sex couples, and the introduction of unconstitutional legislation.

- They mean re-opening the Charter to protect private property rights,
which have major implications for environmental protection, labour
rights, and equality rights.

- They mean big tax cuts for corporations, and less pollution

We are very concerned about the future of our country. Many of the
victories Canadians have achieved over generations, and many important new
programs and initiatives that are poised to become reality, are very much at
We are standing up for Canada. We want a Canada with strong social
programs, environmental protection, and fairness for everyone. Canadians need
to think twice.

Endorsed By:

Child Care Advocacy Association of Canada
Council of Canadians
Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions
Canadian Federation of Students
Canadian Auto Workers
Egale Canada
National Association of Women and the Law
Prevent Cancer Coalition
Shelagh Day, Human Rights Advocate
Elizabeth May, Environmentalist & Officer of the Order of Canada
Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women
National Action Committee on the Status of Women
Vancouver Rape Relief and Women's Shelter
Canadian Coalition for Health and Environment
Cathy Crowe, Street Nurse, housing advocate
Dr. Mary-Wynne Ashford, International Physicians for the Prevention
of Nuclear War, Victoria
Vincent Calderhead,Legal Aid Lawyer, Halifax
Professor Martha Jackman, Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa
Catherine Frazee, Professor of Distinction, School of Disability Studies,
Ryerson University
Michele Decottignies, Founder and Artistic Director, Stage Left
Helke Ferrie, science writer and publisher, Alton, Ont
Nicola Ross, writer & co-founder, Caledon Countryside Alliance, Caledon,
Loretta Michaud, Workers Health & Safety Centre, Toronto
Lissa Donner, freelance writer and health activist, Winnipeg
Karen DeKoning, breast cancer survivor, Chatham
Diane Saibil, Toronto
Phyllis Creighton, Toronto
Linda Pim, environmental activist, Inglewood, Ont
Beth Mairs, ED, Wild Women Expeditions, Espanola, Ont
June Sommers, realtor, Toronto
Margot Young, Associate Professor of Law, University of British Columbia
Janet Mosher, Associate Professor, Osgoode Hall Law School
Alison Dewar and Diana Majury, Ottawa
Wendy Barrett, Burnaby, BC
Meg Sears, PhD
Paul Leduc Browne, Professeur, Département de travail social et des
sciences sociales Université du Québec en Outaouais Gatineau, Québec
Rose Jacobson, Project Manager, Picasso PRO and professional artist and
community activist
Linda Christiansen-Ruffman, Professor of Sociology, Saint Mary's
University, Halifax, Nova Scotia

Thursday, January 12, 2006

walky walk walk

I'm going for a walk - It's freakishly warm out (misty, lovely) and I'm tired of doing stuff at the computer. Doing a lot of little things that may or may not contribute to bigger things, went to kingston, saw some of the people, raided the charity shops, got lots of stuff for roy, school doesn't seem to be working, student loans are taking money out of my empty account, just ate papusas, excited about a new cook book, feeling in the groove after not for a couple days, not sure what I want to do for my birthday.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

HOT AND NOT (part two)

HOT - Gentleman Reg "Bundle" - don't know the rest of the disc well enough to comment yet, the song appearing randomly on shuffle mode made me want more - catchy little hooks and interesting instrumentation.
HOT - M.I.A "Galang" - I've heard a bit of M.I.A here and there, Mike put this on his best of 2005 disc that he just sent (THANKS MIKE WHITE !!), and just this morning while running, it got me - fun fun fun - I want more.

HOT - Going to the gym again.
NOT - Not going for most of the fall/winter.

HOT - Foods this year - Kale and Flax - not combined (I guess you could), both "miracle foods", kale - loaded with calcium, potassium, indoles (cancer-fighting substances), beta-carotenes, and other antioxidants, and flax - full of great omega 3 and 6 fats and cancer fighting lignans (and of course regularity).

HOT - Books - "The Diviners" Margaret Laurence. Being controversial and pegged (negatively of course) as a feminist in high school I was intrigued - after reading a 50 cent copy of "The Fire Dwellers" I moved on to "The Diviners". It was an absolute pleasure to witness the growth and awareness of Morag Gunn through the various stages of her life. A wise, reflective and important read - especially at a cabin in the middle of nowhere this summer - I felt so Canadian - just myself, the lake, Roy, Catherine Parr Traill, Susanna Moodie and Morag Gunn.
NOT - Books - "The Da Vinci Code" Dan Brown - ok ok ok, a page turner for sure, and an interesting theory that has honest links to history - BUT MAN ! - the soap opera writing complete with blank stares returning to blank stares (where some important piece of plot development is explored in flashback), little hints - then reminders of those little hints - constant recaps assuming the reading has retained nothing. Page turner - but bad soooooo bad.

HOT - Harry Potter books.
NOT - Harry Potter films (especially after reading the books) - just can't capture the magic.

HOT - the Enneagram personally type system - honestly helpful and complex - good for relationship stuff too.

HOT - $5 dollar burger plate (with fresh cut fries and veggie salad) at Patati Patata - again, a block away from the homestead.

HOT - Saturday Morning "Globe and Mail and coffee on a blanket with Roy" events in Jean Mance park this summer/fall.
NOT - getting out of the city as much as I wanted to.

HOT - Brokeback Mountain - This deserves and entire post - I feel like I have so much to say about it, but it's still a bit of a feeling rather that an intelligent discussion at this point. I think I'll see it again. As I said before - It's stayed with me in ways I didn't expect. It's an important movie about love, choices and how that effects everyone involved. Hmmm - more on this later.

HOT - Christmas card greeting from Susanna in Philly, "Many wishes for a new year filled with adventures, laughter, peace, love and the impeachment of George W. Bush"

I THINK MIGHT BE HOT - I really want to see "Good Night and Good Luck", "Syriana", I want to give M.I.A more of a listen, also the Magic Numbers and the Ravonettes (have been lovin' "Love in a Trashcan" all summer).
I THINK MIGHT BE A NOT - Sufjan Stevens - there's something about this guy that annoys me a little, but I don't know enough to fully comment - maybe it's the christian overtones, or the the smug sentimentality, got to check this guy out a little more. He's cute - I'll give em that.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

HOT AND NOT 2005 (part one)


So here's a random HOT and NOT list of some of the aspects of 2005.

HOT - Album, Kings of Convenience, "Riot on an Empty Street" A beautifully subtle continuation of "Quiet is the New Loud" with all of what I love so much about this band. Although released last year, it makes the HOT list due to the amount of play in 2005 and providing one of the best live shows I have ever seen this past February. Shy, geek, cute, acoustic, harmonies, the sixties and talent to spare.

HOT - Album, Sarah Harmer, "I'm a Mountain" Released late in the year, a sparsely instrumented acoustic record giving Sarah's inner country gal centre stage. A breathe of fresh air contrasted with the contained over production of last years "All of Our Names". Her voice has never sounded so good. Touring the album playing small venues with a killer acoustic band (and GREAT backing vocals from Julie Fader) - the 2 and a half hour November show was the best I've ever seen of Sarah. Swoon.

NOT - Band "The Go Team" - sorry hipsters...I want to like them, I really tried. Some catchy, fun stuff, but ultimately not lasting (and I heard the show sucked). Maybe it's a bit like how the Hidden Camera's have developed - really great for a while, but by the time the rest of the world caught on - a bit annoying and tired (just for clarity I LOVE the Hidden Camera's first disc "The Smell of Our Own" - there was such and energy and excitement around this time for the band, but rumored infighting and a poor second disc lost my interest).

HOT - The kid in film "You, Me, and Everyone We Know" - the most heartbreakingly cute kid I have ever seen in a film. I enjoyed the rest of it too (except the "relationship in our first walk down the street" bit). Could have been art school pretentious shit, but wasn't.
NOT - Arrogant pretentious rich art school students who have no idea about anything.

HOT - Film "C.R.A.Z.Y", One of the best films I've seen out of Quebec. Jean-Marc Vallee's beautifully shot, magical, heartfelt, drama of family life from the 60's through the 80's. My parents should see this, also Eric Lamoureux (you look a little like the guy Rico)
NOT (or more appropriately SUCKED) - the packaging of the DVD for this film - in NO WAY reflecting the fine aesthetic of the film - what were the people thinking? (same goes for the new Sarah Harmer)

HOT - Random gifts for no apparent reason - gifts like, oh, um, let's think...that little silver ipod mini that Roy showed up at my house with in the spring.

HOT - Killer dance songs on Gorillaz "Damon Days" - "Dirty Harry" gets it groovin', "Fell Good Inc." carries it through to get ya shakin'.

NOT - Nickleback (hate hate hate)

HOT - Pupusas - "thick, hand-made corn tortilla (made using masa, a maize flour used in Latin American Cuisine) that is stuffed with cheese (queso) (usually a soft Salvadorian cheese called Quesillo) and refried beans (frijoles refritos), usually served with curtido (a type of spicy coleslaw) and a hot or medium sauce. Filling, fast and cheap at a whopping $2.25, made by the minxy spanish ladies less than a block away from my house. Mmmmm.

HOT - Doing text in Adobe InDesign.
NOT - Doing text in Word.

HOT - Panczki (pronounces punch-key) Traditional Polish filled doughnut type sweet - the most delicious fluffy tasty things I have ever had - EVER - and I don't usually like doughnuts. I thought the fresh Krispy Kremes were good... whatever. The batter is made up of yeast, flour, rum, butter and eggs - filled with either a custard type creme, apricot or plum filling. One block away form Roy's house (our weekend treat).
NOT - Tim Hortons (for everything)

HOT - having a boyfriend whom I talk with, laugh with, feel equal too, have the best sex ever with, deal with things with, hang out with, get through various stages with and love.

HOT - new friends this year most notably Fussell.

HOT - new roommate, space and cheap rent.

NOT - shitty minimum wage paying jobs with coworkers that let me do all the work (because I was the last one hired) while they browse ebay, play computer games, eat chips and take as many smoke breaks they want.
HOT - working so close to Fussell that we can always have lunch when I work.

HOT - the treatment we got on our one year anniversary at the restaurant "Rumi". Great service, great food, and lots of things on the house.

HOT - the possible NDP swing vote in a minority government.
NOT - George Bush being elected again - the people who aren't going to vote NDP cause they're scared of the Conservative party (way ta go Buzz Hargrove - shit man)

HOT - Same sex marriage finally.
NOT - right wing conservative backlash.

That's enough to read for now MORE TO COME LATER !


I'm working on a HOT and NOT list for 2005, but until then - comment responses.

Anita - thanks for reading ! I hope your Christmas was good despite all the accident stuff - we missed you at home.
Michael Catlin - you want photos eh? I'll see what I can do. I'll be updating the website soon - I'll let you know when that is - and YES, I would love to go to Sala Rosa with you, I like it better than the Spirit Lounge. I hope you're well.
Mary Helen - you've got pretty nice bits yourself.
Roy - I'm glad you like my bits, yours aren't bad either - and your tech support - the best ever
Tracey - what mug is the one I gave you?
Damien - thanks for tackling the blog thing - how's the states treating you? I think you need some Jimmy headshots.
Fussell - where are you?
Jeffy Jeff Jeff - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Mom - yay! you're using your computer !

from now on I'll respond on the comments page (where y'all commented)